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Wordless Wednesday - Photo Memories December 1986

 photo 3-1_zpse2a271a2.jpg
Find me on the 1st photo above, yes, that young girl in multi-color polka-dotted white shirt dancing at a wedding party. The rest of the people in the photo are folks in the baranggay and my cousins from the USA.

Let's get wordless here!

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Wednesday Quotes #3

Wednesday Quotes 3: Sometimes you have to just stop worrying, wondering and doubting. Have faith that things will work out, maybe not how you planned, but just how it's meant to be.

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Music Monday - Starlight Express

A happy Monday to everyone! I'm back joining Music Monday this week with one of my favorite songs by El Debarge, "Starlight Express". It's a song that became popular around the time our JS Prom was held in 1988. I still love it lots.Happy MM, all!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.   PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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March 3,1986 Morning - A Day In Life

Monday 030386

Last night, I really can't sleep. I just listened to the latest sounds on the radio but I still can't sleep. Only when I turned on "Menudo Reachin' Out" tape did I calm down. I imagined I was in a place far away .. maybe Tuguegarao..

The day Lara and I listened to this Menudo album.. the afternoon when I first met Ralph... the day we searched for Ralph at BFD and PLDT (the places his team used to practice basketball)

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March 2,1986 - A Day In Life


Hello... it's just like any boring tearjerking day once again coz PX won't be here by my side until Wednesday. [boo-hoo, haha]

Lanie and I went to YBTTC/ Plaza and we also looked for the canteen/beerhouse. Oh yes, I forgot writing an entry last night.. that Lanie and I have a mission to find out who this Evangeline of Cynthia's canteen in YBTTC is. [Cynthia or Evangeline, sounds the same to me then.. ah the jealousy of imaginary rivals] Evangeline is PX' ex-gf's name but he never mentioned it to me, only to Lanie and Betty. Their talk was about how PX has a PMA college ring and he said it was his father's, and that it's a good thing he got it back from his ex-girlfriend when they broke up.

Ate Baybee says bad guys go to the kind of canteen/beerhouse we are looking for and that we shouldn't go. There are pretty ladies there who serve as waitresses, plenty of men go there mostly DOM or looking for relationship (In my 80's mind then!). Eeks, How disgusting.[I realize now the canteen we were all referring to then was the most popular restaurant in town, no drunks there or DOMs, but hey nowadays there are plenty of the dreaded bars here]

But then there we were at YBTTC this afternoon. It was a beerhouse but it wasn't Cynthia's Canteen, but that's where PX pointed at says Lanie. We were lost there, YBTTC is a small town to look around for someone. Will we still get to pretend we are mature people and order beer? Ha-ha!

Oh yeah, Bacon and I were at the store in Bucarillo Road [Binoboran Road, is the right term now]. We were ordering softdrinks that time but they ran out of stock so to speak, so we got beer instead! Really! I was very dizzy because of it, and real drunk too! Even wanted to buy cigarettes again for the four of us. Ha-ha! I'M GOING CRAZY WITHOUT PX AROUND!

And, this evening Uncle Joe (father of Lara) arrived. Wows, I got another letter from her but it's short and nothing much. Mentioned Ralph a little as getting cuter. Well, it's old news.. old style.  Anyways, by Holy Week Uncle will go back here in town and take my mom to Tuguegarao, then after two weeks I'll be next. ... am not so excited anymore, I really don't care. But PX is the problem.. on summer vacation he will be in Laguna for a summer job.. poor me.  hmp, he's going to leave me this summer and I think I'll be going to summer school this April ( I hope not)  I wish PX will still be here!

Dear God,
Please bless PX, Ralph, Lara, Dong,PJ,etc Please help me in my biology report tomorrow.

Halloween Costume Accessory - Professional Glitter Gel (Opalescent)

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March 1, 1986 - A Day In Life

Hello, there it goes.. the news gets out little by little. First of all, Joey has met the super-PX I've been telling her about for long time. Next, an elderly lady- neighbor gossip saw us both while we were taking the commute back to the town proper. PX and I got off from the PUJ as soon as we were at YOU BELONG TO THE CITY [that's the name I labelled our town in my diary]. We just went strolling by the plaza, then we went to the booth of Betty and Ate Tita and Ate Merly. They said he's okay and down-to-earth kind of guy. Funny Ate Tita/Merly and PX have the same last name, just a coincidence :)

Much later when it was close to 5pm, we went to the local Catholic church. Almost closing time (do they ever close, I wonder) ... we knelt down by the pews and we prayed silently. I prayed of course, that the Lord would bless us both. I also had thoughts about Ralph and I prayed about that too (coz whenever I go to church I always pray for him). Then, we just sat there thinking our own thoughts, while the people working for the church were readying something for an event possibly for the next day. Then it got quiet when the church workers left, then he teased, "Think we are going to get married here someday? Answer me..."  I was usually quiet again, but I smiled. My heart beat so fast I could hear it. Aww, shucks!

I really admire him for being prayerful, I could tell he's a real church-goer.. but of course, coz he's from the town where thousands of pilgrims visit to offer their prayers. In contrast, I'm not a regular church attendee.. thanks to Ate Baybee's influence, I have not paid attention to sermons. [ funny I wrote this, it brings light to many things I often think about. For the record, I'm no longer a Catholic but a born-again Christian]

Well, this is all for now.. will write again tomorrow!

Read next entry here

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February 28,1986 - A Day In Life

February 28,1986

Hello! Here's what happened after school, I rode the Downtown jeepney ride again today but when it seemed to stop in front of Luzon Colleges, there's yucky Mr. Eeeks again! Haay, shucks, he even flagged down the jeepney I was in eh, you know me - I don't want to hear a word from him, makes me feel blah! I escaped.. I ran, ran, ran! I took another commute to get to the bus stop... whew, that was close!

Well, later, I saw my super hero, super handsome boyfriend... relieved! He seems to look so handsome to me today! He waved at me as I couldn't find him at first. Later, as we were waiting for the bus ride, he was telling me that he had a problem at home (like me). He was thinking of running away somewhere and I said, "Doesn't that scare you? You will have no one to look after you!" He simply smiled and said I was right. I told him about my earlier experience of almost running away before but I didn't.. of how sad I was, how afraid.. then silly me, I couldn't stop myself from saying Betty's secret that " hey, Betty's going to runaway with her boyfriend soon" and I joked :"I'm thinking of going with them." PX looked horrified, haha! Guezz what he said, "Don't mind those runaway stories, those aren't true that life will be better away from home. Let Betty go on her own, don't go.. you are still young and in school... better if we're at the right age already, ha." and he winked at me in jest, I can't help but laugh! I blurted, " I wouldn't run away and get married at a young age! Scary!" [that much was true] Then he was telling a true story of young lovers who planned to runaway by the meeting at the bridge at 9PM, but they got caught by parents. Oh, man, I laughed so hard with that story! :-D

Taking the bus home, we were quiet coz of some bad_ _?. Realized we didn't have a plan to meet tomorrow or where to go. But that's decided already. What makes me feel so super today is he said he missed me a lot.. that he's happy to be with me again! naks! [I translate: I'm touched]

Love and surprises,


Technicolor 80s Sunglasses - $6.99
Technicolor 80s Sunglasses
Retail Price: $8.99
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Presenting "A Day In Life" my series of texts from my journals that I kept between the ages of 14 and 17. I'll be adding new entries every now and then to share all my thoughts, ideas,events, experiences, memories, ideas I had during the eighties. It is for my continued amusement that I read and reread my old journals, even when there isn't much content, I still gain occasional insight how I'm still in the process of changing to maturity. Most of the names have been changed to protect the people I recently found on Facebook. A few are just partial entries, my bleeping and blinding exclamations have been removed and some entries have been modified to give way to my now correct spelling and grammar. Yet the mix of excitement, melodrama and pleasant memories from the eighties are still much felt :)I hope, as you read my old journal with me, you enjoy the same sentiments.