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Menudo - Come Back To Me

This song gives me a bittersweet feeling. I remember hearing this song being sang impromptu at a school program. It was during those times that I was having some emotional turmoil and not speaking to people who hate my existence. I'm talking about students from other grades and one teacher who gave me a bad time despite me doing well in THAT class.

Anyway this song I'm always singing these days to humor my hubby, always telling him "Isn't this song familiar to you? :) No memories whatsoever?" And he says he has no idea. But I know! hahaha he must've forgot. Bottomline: I'm posting this because I miss my hubby. He's also a part of my 80s story - towards the 1989 period. Yes, I promise myself to write about that too. In summary :)

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Presenting "A Day In Life" my series of texts from my journals that I kept between the ages of 14 and 17. I'll be adding new entries every now and then to share all my thoughts, ideas,events, experiences, memories, ideas I had during the eighties. It is for my continued amusement that I read and reread my old journals, even when there isn't much content, I still gain occasional insight how I'm still in the process of changing to maturity. Most of the names have been changed to protect the people I recently found on Facebook. A few are just partial entries, my bleeping and blinding exclamations have been removed and some entries have been modified to give way to my now correct spelling and grammar. Yet the mix of excitement, melodrama and pleasant memories from the eighties are still much felt :)I hope, as you read my old journal with me, you enjoy the same sentiments.