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Flunking My Algebra In The 80s

Much as I feel it hard to admit, yes.. I nurtured a love-hate relationship with my sophomore Algebra subject in the 80s. Think, a private school and the cost of tuition fees.

Honestly, from the first day of classes I was perplexed  why  a + b + c = abc, so I dismissed the idea that Algebra was to be taken seriously. I actually thought our teacher was joking when she cited the alphabets in a numerical equation! That..... or I had a special numerical impediment called dyscalculia.

So the weeks passed that I got really scared. I had plenty of panic attacks during recitations, quizzes, long quizzes and .. The Unit Tests!

Facts About Algebra In The 80s and .... me :

* I dodged my Algebra classes as successfully as I could manage. Tough luck I had of having the Algebra class 3 days in a row. Mondays was 3-4PM, Tuesdays was 12PM, Wednesdays was 3-4PM again. Most of my absences were on Tuesdays when our class used a temporary room for the first period. So the next time anyone saw me that day I'd pretend : "Wasn't absent, I was there" or "What homework? I didn't hear that we had one"

  *  In one unforgettable Algebra Unit Test, I knew I was in big trouble, I prayed so hard that I would miraculously pass. Alas! It didn't work that way because I never practiced computations, of course. I found out later that I scored 3 out of 120 items. I could've hidden in a box for a season out of embarrassment.

   * As expected, a lot of us failed Algebra and were given notice to enroll for summer class 1986. Me? I was enjoying the first week of summer in Tuguegarao City, and that notice/telegram cut my vacation short. :'(

* Summer school and the truth: I had 2 check marks on the attendance sheet out of the 45 required. Yes, severe absenteeism.  The first day I attended was to say 'hello I'm late, but I'm alive, what did I miss' and the second was after 10 days and I lied I got very sick. Of course, no one would believe because I was really healthy. :-)  Where was I during the rest of the summer class days? I was with Ate Baybee tagging along in her summer class in a university, or with my friends Lanie and Liezl, or.. worse, sulking at home.

                                          (Photo of the private school I went to from kindergarten up to my second year. I miss and love it )

* At the end of my enjoyable summer class, I did not pass. I had a "back subject" and could not move on to junior year in that private school. My relatives, being the stand-ins for my mom, spoke with educators to plea my case. No, not the mafia way of "muscle-ing" people. Thankfully, whatever I did was all forgiven and forgotten. No questions nor reprimands from my relatives. Simply enrolled me in junior year, in another school close to home - so folks can keep an eye on me. That's how I call Algebra Changed My Life.

The 41 year old me wishes I'd have done things differently. Here I learned that whatever leisure I got out of dodging and escaping classes was only temporary. I should have faced the problem squarely and dealt with it openly with the guidance counselor of the school.

Thankfully, it wasn't so bad after all, because I changed my ways the next two years after that.
I gained that discipline to listen intently to Math teachers' discussions and to ask whatever confuses me.
And see, I survived my make-up Algebra class the summer of 1987, Advanced Algebra,Trigonometry and Physics in 1988 and College Algebra I and II in 1989.

    Algebra Facts: Survival Guide to Basic Algebra

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    Music Monday - Alone In The Rain by Pops Fernandez

    Ever tried hard to think of a song that used to be your favorite by this popular singer but can't quite recall what the song title was? Yes, it's been happening to me often. We commonly call it as the "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomenon. Or call that memory gap or early senior moment :)

    Had one of those musings a few months ago as I was watching one of Pops Fernandez' tv shows. I thought to myself, "What were those Original Pinoy Music songs I used to love by Pops Fernandez during the early 80's? I remember they were quite meaningful to me. Whatchamacallit song about a gray sky or a thunderstorm..." but sadly, I could not recall the song title...  Until just recently when we hired a videoke machine for my aunt's recent birthday party, did I find the answer in a videoke songbook list for Pops Fernandez's music... and there it was! ALONE IN THE RAIN is back to me! Thank you, Ms. Pops Fernandez, for another of your songs from the 80's...

    Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.   PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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    Candy From The 80s - Chocolate Gold Coins

    Large Gold Coins: 5 LBS

    Large Gold Coins: 5 LBS
    Want to feel like you found a treasure? Spread these gold coins around your room! You can have a bite if you feel hungry!Approximately 340 coins per order.FLAVOR: Chocolate
    Small Gold Coins: 10 LBS

    Small Gold Coins: 10 LBS

    Want to have to feeling that you found a treasure? Try these small gold coins, spread them around your room! You can have a bite if you are hungry. Each 1 " coin is individually wrapped. All of Madelaine's products are Certified Kosher by the Orthodox Union (OU)FLAVOR:
    Large Mint Black Gold Coins: 10 LBS

    Large Mint Black Gold Coins: 10 LBS
    Love gold? Try these large mint flavored with gold coloring coins!FLAVOR: Mint, chocolate
    Gold Coins Assorted  Mesh Bag: 30 Count

    Gold Coins Assorted Mesh Bag: 30 Count

    Gold Coins Assorted Mesh Bag: 30 Count Small solid milk chocolate balls wrapped in foil that looks like a coin!. Each bag contains approximately 1oz. FLAVOR: Milk Chocolate

    Fort Knox Gold Coins Med 1.125" : 5 LBS

    Fort Knox Gold Coins Medium: 5 LBSPremium Dutch milk chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. These half-dollar sized Fort Knox Coins are perfect for candy buffets, Pirate Parties, Hanukkah celebrations, Oscar Parties, candy crafting, and everyday snacking.Each coin measures 1.125 inches.Imported from Holland.

    And more chocolate gold coins also from Amazon Stores...

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    Wednesday Quotes #5

    "LIFE doesn't always introduce you to the people you want to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet - to help  you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to BECOME"

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    Music Monday - Cruel Summer

    A warm welcome for the summer here in the Philippines! Palm Sunday was just celebrated yesterday, people are planning their Holy Week vacation, students are preparing for the summer school ... ahh, the usual hustle and bustle!
    A popular song from the 80s when it comes to summer is one I love from Bananarama. Thanks to the uploader of this video for sharing the original MTV. I just love the girls' attire here and the catchy tune as well which I find ironic because I find that summer is so much fun!

     Hot summer streets
    And the pavements are burning
    I sit around
    Trying to smile but
    The air is so heavy and dry
    Strange voices are saying
    (What did they say)
    Things I can't understand
    It's too close for comfort
    This heat has got
    Right out of hand

    It's a cruel, (cruel), cruel summer
    Leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, (it's a cruel), cruel summer
    Now you're gone

    The city is crowded
    My friends are away
    And I'm on my own
    It's too hot to handle
    So I got to get up and go

    It's a cruel, (cruel), cruel summer
    Leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, (it's a cruel), cruel summer
    Now you're gone

    Gonna feel only it was

    It's a cruel, (cruel), cruel summer
    (Leaving me), leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, (it's a cruel), cruel summer
    Now you're gone

    It's a cruel, cruel summer
    Leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, cruel summer
    Now you're gone

    Gonna feel only it was

    It's a cruel, (cruel), cruel summer
    (Leaving me) leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, (it's a cruel), cruel summer
    Now you're gone

    Gonna feel only it was

    It's a cruel, (cruel), cruel summer
    (Leaving me), leaving me here on my own
    It's a cruel, (it's a cruel), cruel summer

    Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.   PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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    March 1,1988 - A Day In Life

    Evening 030188

    Hi! Hello! Fine,fine,fine because now I've got all the requirements Ate Mimie is asking for me to submit in Manila. Just need to photocopy and mail them tomorrow. Hay,naku! I wish and hope for the best on these things.

    Oh, there's something about yesterday at our Social Studies exam, confession: I used a cheat code of Richred and after I copied all the details I needed, Amy said to hand it to her for copying too. After answering the test, I was busy 'teaching' Rusty that's why I didn't know Amy was convincing Marife (seatmate of Shyboy just behind them) to copy from the code. Now their problem was how could the code reach Marife when there's a wide gap between our seats? Quickly, I grabbed the cheat code (codigo) from Amy and threw it to Marife and whispered, "Psst, there's the code!" because it landed just at her desk.But Marife refused to pick it up, yet Shyboy heard us and took it to copy. Hay, I don't know if I would be embarrassed for him knowing my dirty little secret or get peeved because it was the only closest encounter between Shyboy and me... hahaha!

    And this morning at the Social Studies class, Rits - our loud mouthed classmate, who says he's my cousin because we're from the same place- again called me "How are you doing, Insan?" Tagalog slang for "cousin". This means he's going to make fun of me again so I tensed. Meanwhile, the ever elusive Brendon was now seated near Rusty and just close enough to hear whatever happens. The most annoying thing that happened, Rits went far too close to me, almost kissed my cheek when he asked me how I was!! The guys at the back, and near us cheered. I was angry because of the semi-embarrassment "Leave me alone!" I said. Rits answered back, calling Brendon : "Brendon, Brendon.. you better seat beside Red"   all the more making me annoyed. Thankfully no one reacted from our class. I didn't even look at Brendon to see how he took Rits' joke (why would I!) But now I don't care anymore... boys are really heartbreakers... all I care about and miss is PX.

    Missing so much,


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    February 28, 1988 - A Day In Life

    Evening (10:25PM)

    Hi!Hello! At least, in the middle of my busy life I thought of dropping by to write,ha! Exams tomorrow that's why I'm still up.

    There's something.. on Brendon: He passed by our house last Thursday (Holiday for EDSA) wearing that brown shirt His Brod wore when I first saw him during JS Prom. Brendon rode a bike going to Embarcadero, or further who knows. At a glance I even thought it was His Brod, but then it was Brendon!

    Because I was just in familiar surroundings that I call my home, I acted like a boy-crazy gal "Hey, Kuya Fivestar, that guy's my crush!!!" With that,Brendon looked back at me but still biked on. "I'm dead." I uttered then hid but what for, he already saw me!! ah, whatever will be, will be I said to myself.

    So good that this Friday, Brendon looked kind of our of this world. Was he on drugs or something (maybe, because his eyes were looking sleepy. He was so quiet, not even joking as he used to. He was actually seated just by me because Amy was absent,huh!) Isn't that odd!  But I know he still talks to Sheila, but hey I overheard this girl has a boyfriend at the Mabini section (Eeeks!) [whatever that meant, now as an adult I ate my bad word, haha because I married one from Mabini section :-D]

    On Lanie, well... cool-cool-cool still. I'm not ok with her I guess today. Last Thursday I went by their house and was talking to her. Her mind was somewhere else and not really listening to me. I gave a lame excuse of going some place else... then I ran home.

    I love PX! (listening to the old gold mixtape 1986 today)


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    Presenting "A Day In Life" my series of texts from my journals that I kept between the ages of 14 and 17. I'll be adding new entries every now and then to share all my thoughts, ideas,events, experiences, memories, ideas I had during the eighties. It is for my continued amusement that I read and reread my old journals, even when there isn't much content, I still gain occasional insight how I'm still in the process of changing to maturity. Most of the names have been changed to protect the people I recently found on Facebook. A few are just partial entries, my bleeping and blinding exclamations have been removed and some entries have been modified to give way to my now correct spelling and grammar. Yet the mix of excitement, melodrama and pleasant memories from the eighties are still much felt :)I hope, as you read my old journal with me, you enjoy the same sentiments.