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February 23,1988 - A Day In Life

Belated Happy 2 Years Anniversary To PX and me!!!

February 23,1988

Hi! Hello! Hay, maybe it will be one week of blackout here and it's so frustrating because I have to review as hard as I can for the coming semi-finals. [I myself am surprised! why did I have to review so hard back then? ah yes, for the stellar grades when I get to college :)]

But I've got something to say that's a semi-good news for me to tell you... I ranked top number 11 in the exam given by the EARN Computer school! Yes,the list was posted on the bulletin board today. I'm considered a half-scholar and so is Shy Boy. [Yes, the ranking meant a great deal to me because there were plenty of us in that batch... not only that, I was just in the B section of the class of 1988] What about the guy who said "Chicken feed!" oh, he's maybe a hundred plus away from most of our class in ranking, including Shyboy and me.

I want to say something important on what happened yesterday morning at the English class. Miss Muyargas came to class kind of sad,mad, whatever. Unannounced quiz, we were given 5 minutes to review. And me who was just quietly observing her, I mean I was staring at her because I wondered why. I was pretending to look at my notebook reviewing, but I kept on looking up at her seated at her table. She caught my stare and I thought she would snub me because of her moodiness, thank goodness she smiled a friendly smile and I smiled back. And just went back to my notebook again, it's not us she was mad at after all, maybe something else. [Miss Muyargas was our English teacher in fourth year, I have high respect for her because of what she was in class. There were other stories about her that went around the campus, that I didn't know then, only got to know when we all graduated.] Ok, so the next was our quiz. After that, she made an angry speech about some people in our class who destroyed her 'reputation' (and here are my guesses: Ninoy, Tricks, Brendon, Sam, Benedick, Ritz and the other guys) and she plans to sue them in court. But then oops, she asked for an open forum and in that open forum she asked me "Christine, what will you do about it if it was you they were talking about this way?" She asked me if she was right in bringing them to court, asked for my opinion in public!

And as usual, I was so s.t.u.p.i.d.- "N-no.."(Why not?)..
"...b-b-because maybe you can still talk to them about the issue.."   (Talk about the issue?)..
"Yes.."  I sat back again at my desk. I was left just quiet again because I really didn't know that to say! [truth, in my life I never eaves-dropped on adult matters including these kinds.. therefore I have no knowledge to contribute in the matter]

I answered without really thinking through. Because I am concerned for Brendon, what if he was involved in this? Ha-ha, so for all that I was shamed again for being s.t.u.p.i.d. Almost everyone answered, "Yes, bring them to court to clarify the issue"

Now, I'm sad at myself, how can I even go to college if I'm like this not knowing what goes on in the world!! Dear God, please help  me with this, where I am always afraid to ask because I think people will make fun of me.

***  And here's about Mr. Brendon [always the trending topic of my diary that time] since yesterday I've been seeing him with Sheila and there looked really happy together, sometimes serious in their conversation (maybe talking about being sorry about their fight months ago). And with what I have been observing I decided to try to avoid looking at him - really to avoid!! But here's what happened at Physics time, we were given a few minutes to have extension review then here came the Mabini section students (the last section of our batch, hey my hubby came from that one) borrowing Advance Algebra books. Rusty was asking to borrow my book but I was kind of lazy to get it in my bag that's why I said I don't wanna. I ignored him, pretending to review seriously. Then here comes Brendon, from the back of the room and I recognized his voice but I didn't tremble anymore, or I treid not to. At the same time Rusty was still prodding me to borrow my book and now Brendon too. They were both so makulit to borrow and I did not answer. One thing I did, because my angel told me to, was to look at Brendon right in the eyes with that sad look coz maybe seeing him this close may never happen again. And do I did for 3 seconds with him looking at me too, of course. Now that's also for the pain he caused me today.  Then I guess he came to his senses, asked Rusty "You're also borrowing?" and of course Rusty answered yes. So Brendon left our aisle to borrow from another classmate. What else do I do but finally lend Rusty my blessed Algebra book.

Ahh, my mind goes bonkers over this Brendon! He just approaches when he needs something,hmp! Better if he's going to introduce me to his brod (whoever that will be as long as he's cute,huh!)

Okay good night, dear diary! I love PX! Haha, there, caught me now... anyway, I really love him!!!

endlessly in love,


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February 20,1988 - A Day In Life

[Yes, I'm back! And just like this February 20,1988 entry below I've been offline for ages. Sorry dear friends and readers, I was extremely busy assisting my aunt and her hubby from California during their month-long stay here in the Philippines. So the 1988 string of diary entries continues...]

February 20, 1988

Oh no, it's been a week since, isn't it? And I have not reported the latest events in here but anyway, I'll tell you what events sound significant to me...

Last Sunday (February 14, 1988) I had a boring celebration of Valentine's Day, I mean - my heart felt so bored, because I've got no love to give and no love to receive :) What we did here, together with my cousin Ate Edith and her sister-in-law Ate Mimie, was to shop and window-shop at Harrison Plaza and also to buy tickets for Pops Fernandez and Martin Nievera's POPS AND MARTIN's concert "Twosome"(1988) at the Folk Arts Theater.

(that's how Harrison Plaza looked like during the 80's)

Much later we watched a movie "Misis Mo, Misis Ko" starring Jackielou Blanco and Ricky Davao. Then that evening, we watched POPS  AND MARTIN's concert. Oh, did I say while we were stuck in traffic going to the Folk Arts Theater, that the teen star Isabel Granada's car was just next  to the taxi we took? Oh yes, she's so pretty ( with long curly lashes and light brown hair) and charming and even nice to us fans! She smiled and waved back to us! Her mom is a charmer too. [Isabel Granada is really my personal favorite over the years, I've watched a few of her movies from Seiko Films, and her presence oftentimes I see in my dreams that I wondered if I would have a pretty daughter like her someday]
(yes, this is Isabel)
 So the next day, Monday (February 15, 1988) Ate Mimie and I went to the Deutsche Botschaft then on the Bank Of America along Paseo De Roxas in Makati. After that we went to SM Shoemart Makati but still nothing worth exciting. Except for Ate Mimie's wonderful stories of life here in Manila and how she wants
to go back to our province when she gives birth to their eldest. We went home by noon.

Then by 3PM, we went to St. Scholastica's College - St.Scho -  to get an entrance exam form. I saw some "sosyal" [that means bourgeoisie] ladies and I'm now beginning to dread that school. It would be so boring for me! [why I said that, is because I felt the ladies were way too high class or maybe I didn't like their uniform which was then cut like an SM saleslady's uniform] So we hopped on next to St. Paul College Manila (SPCM) It's another exclusive school for girls like St. Scho. I loved the ladies uniforms, they look very professional. But uh-oh I felt bad again coz a lady there stared at me so I stared back, and frowned at her. "Who's she?" I mumbled myself. Ate Mimie said what attitude these ladies are showing are all pretense.
Oh what a day to go around Manila and to see most people being snobbish! Hmmp!

The following day, Tuesday (February16,1988) I went back to Pangasinan with Ate Mimie's cousin Melissa. We took the Pantranco Bus early at dawn and arrived home at exactly 12:00 noon. I didn't have the strength to go to school that afternoon so I just stayed home.

Wednesday (February 17, 1988) I went back to school. I'm beginning to hate Brendon. Why? Coz he's beginning to talk with Sheila again and I think they're getting back to each other again. (SO???) Oh, and about my friend in school, Gigi according to Dess, she attempted to commit suicide by slicing her pulse [yes, that was my term] but just then her old rich man suitor visited and her problems were eased. [Gigi was my one of my bestfriends at STHS. She resembled Janice De Belen- one of the beautiful teen  actresses during the 80's. Gigi was still my good friend until she passed away in 1993. She, her sister and her mom were my spiritual friends who shared their faith in Christ with me]

On Thursday (February 18, 1988), our class had a very memorable religious recollection at the MAZM in Mangaldan and the event really stabbed my heart [oh please] I began to realize I was mistaken for some things and that I should think things over in the coming days. That afternoon, we all went back to submit out "DEAR JESUS" letter. Whom have I seen? oh , yes... Brendon (ehek!) and Sheila seated beside each other, still writing their letters to submit. Now I don't want  him no more.

 Yesterday (February 19,1988) - Nothing so special happened except the JS Prom. Let's just get straight to the JS Prom topic, ok? [Truth is,  I have much to say about how I painstakingly prepared for the JS Prom. Thinking in my mind that this will be the best night so far. I fussed much about my hair and make-up. My JS 80s prom dress looked alright. I chose this 80s prom dress because it looked like the dress Brooke Shields wore at the party scene in the 80s movie "Endless Love" I thought then the dress was so hip! haha. But then I think I overdid it by matching the attire with flashy red dangling earrings, sequin waist belt, and red shoes with silk lace like the ones ballerinas wear. I paired the shoes with white stockings, but of course! Looking back in retrospect, I must've been a strong headed girl for going on with it and not listening to my superiors' advice. Waah! That was me, a fashion victim! And I'm still searching for a photo of me at the JS Prom in 1988 among my high school batchmates, just for laughs!] 

 So that was it, when I arrived that evening, Dess led me to the Bonifacio classroom as we waited with the rest. Then someone gave me a rose, it was just my nephew Bacon (younger by 3 years) who was supposed to be my escort [or watchman should be the proper term].Later we all went to the STHS quad for the JS Prom proper. A moment later, as I was seated, someone behind me handed me three red roses.. it was Sam ( one of my decent classmates at Bonifacio section; he was almost my partner at the Rigodon De Honor Dance) I was just polite to him that evening and said, "Thanks." He must've summoned up the courage to talk to me some more, asked me if I the chair beside me was already taken and if he could sit beside me. I said, "Sure" He asked me if I had an escort - I stammered: "Y-y-yes, b-but he left for a while" coz at that time Bacon went to the town plaza. [ I didn't tell him that my escort wasn't really my partner, but my nephew-bodyguard so I didn't get into mischief. I pretended to have an awesome escort out there] Ok, so maybe, Sam expected me to speak to him but when I didn't say anything more, he left. [typical teenage snobbish behavior or what we call in our local dialect "suplada" ]

I kept looking at the JS Prom invitation and what was written at the back like First Dance, Favorite Partner, etc. and that time I had no name to list there to :))  I happened to see Sam far back and I think he frowned at me (or was that my imagination?) But he smiled at me later when I looked at him again. Ooops, don't get me wrong, dear diary, he's not my Valentino, I'm just being nice...... 

But there's still more.... when the Candlelight Ceremony started, we all queued up. It so happened that Honey (one who had a crush on Dean - that's Brendon's brod) was infront of me. We both went to our places at formation which looked not the way it was practiced. We happened to be at the Junior's group, where Dean was!! He wasn't Honey nor I's partner though. But still, he said "Hi!" to Honey and I felt....uh-oh sad. But it was such a nice and wonderful moment just to see Dean closer. And it was real stupid of me to look or stare at Dean so I just turned away, pretended to be interested in looking at other people and be amused at their corny moments.. oh, sick, sick, sick, sick! 

There's something more, after the Candlelight Ceremony  when we got back to our seats, there was a guy just behind us who looked handsome, kind of rugged. He resembled a mix of familiar faces. Everytime I glanced back at Dess or Sarah, I catch him staring at me. But he didn't matter to me, coz I only can see his face from the crowd and besides, I just found him semi-handsome ( I told Dess that he kind of looks like Ricky Davao) But not until I saw his face closer and the shirt that he was wearing, did I recognize him! I shot a quick glance at him. Hmm, he looks like my "brod" Dean and isn't the shirt that he's wearing now the one Brendon wore on the Cultural Presentation Night? Oh, yes, he must be my brod-in-law (Again!!!) Lanie was speaking the truth, Brendon's brothers are all good-looking that ladies get cross-eyed not knowing whom to look at first if they are all together! [lol] That same guy glanced at me and I glanced back. And because he's my _ _ _, I smiled and he smiled too. oops, he might think I have a crush on him just because I smiled. Anyways, whatever happens then so be it. Then he came closer, just took a seat at a vacant chair nearby. We just kept on smiling at each other in between pauses at the JS Prom dance. But it was too impossible that we would speak to each other because Kuya Johnny (our older bodyguard) and Bacon were there! If only I wasn't shy, I would ask him for starters : "Are you Brendon's brother?" It would have been awesome!! Whew!    Goodnight!!!  luv,luv,luv    ... Red

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Early Summer Visit

This photo is my first entry for Scenic Weekends

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Wordless Wednesday - STHS Class of '88 High School Reunion

These were the recent photos from our high school reunion at the STCS 65th Grand Reunion held at Santo Thomas Catholic School

.. that's me with those dangling shell earrings :))

                     .... our class' motto : " Walang Iwanan Magpakailanman, Take 8 and Love 8 Wagas"... It means that as friend we won't leave each other no matter what our friendships are to be treasured.

photo above - as we waited for the truck for the motorcade

during the motorcade, who can stop these guys from enjoying drinks. (and oops, why am I even in the photo just beside them)

taken at the STCS Reunion Party (yes, the guy in green stripes is Daryl, one of my classmates from section Bonifacio during our HS years)

There's my hubby in brown shirt (Yes, he's our batchmate) with friends from his class from Mabini section. I see Marty there :) first guy from the left, he's my friend now too!
..hubby here with a classmate and close friend. With him is Vanni, one of our successful classmates.

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Wednesday Quotes #4

"The thing about  life that I've learned is that you're going to get hurt. You're going to have emotional nights and cry yourself to sleep for hours. You're going to suffer some kind of loss. But you will also have these moments where you heal. Those moments are the best. You feel like you smile for the first time again. You feel like you're alive again.
Life just kind of restarts.

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Music Monday - Little Star by Pops Fernandez

This song Little Star is one of my early adolescent-hood favorites by Pops Fernandez, the "Concert Queen of the Philippines". She was still a rising film star by then though was already quite popular in the music industry. Little Star was a song featured in the comedy movie Give Me Five (1984) together with the wacky trio Tito,Vic and Joey and childstar Jaypee De Guzman. I got to watch the movie again lately as a rerun and had fun and laughter watching - I can't help it because I find Tito, Vic and Joey's antics too hilarious! :))

Little Star Lyrics
Pops Fernandez

Little star2x
My one dream is to be where you are

The people they laugh at me
Oh why cant they let me be
one day i know you'll see
I am not them, I'm Me

Last night the little star
smile at me from afar
Looking down from up above
shining starlight filled with love

Daylight it came so fast
and the night it came to pass
Even stars they fade away
But my little friend, please stay

repeat 1 twice
reapet II, III, IV
Repeat 1, then fade

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.   PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Love is indeed the language of my blog and the "trending topic" in most of my posts. Quite obvious with my blog's layout, don't you think? ;)
Sharing good thoughts with you, folks. Blessings to one and all!

Movie Night Treats with Netflix Rental

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Presenting "A Day In Life" my series of texts from my journals that I kept between the ages of 14 and 17. I'll be adding new entries every now and then to share all my thoughts, ideas,events, experiences, memories, ideas I had during the eighties. It is for my continued amusement that I read and reread my old journals, even when there isn't much content, I still gain occasional insight how I'm still in the process of changing to maturity. Most of the names have been changed to protect the people I recently found on Facebook. A few are just partial entries, my bleeping and blinding exclamations have been removed and some entries have been modified to give way to my now correct spelling and grammar. Yet the mix of excitement, melodrama and pleasant memories from the eighties are still much felt :)I hope, as you read my old journal with me, you enjoy the same sentiments.